This lecture explores the role that sustainability and environment had in the Strategic Partnerships of the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of youth work, specifically in Germany and Spain from 2014 to 2020. In addition, it discusses how the results of this research can provide a basis for the future, specially on how the European Green Deal can influence the new Erasmus+ Programme.

Autorenschaft: Alonso Escamilla & Paula Gonzalo Moreno
Kontext und Ort des Beitrags: 2. Digitale Ringvorlesung im Wintersemester 2023/24:
Forschung in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit – CROSSING BORDERS

Originaler Titel des Vortrags: The case of the Strategic Partnerships of the Ersaums+ Prgramme from 2014 to 2020 in Germany and Spain

00:00 Introduction with an opinion poll
18:16 Youth Work & Partnerships for Sustainability
22:53 Objectives of the studies
25:53 Methodology and results of the studies
40:56 Limitations
44:40 Further Research
46:46 Questions for discussion

Quelle: YouTube Zum YouTube Video
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Alonso Escamilla, Paula Gonzalo Moreno

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